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Human Resource Solutions!


Thanks to you and your team for the support you’ve shown me during my time of career transitioning. I always felt like I had the experience and skills to be successful within my desired industry and positions, however it did not take long to understand that so do a lot of other candidates. One of the keys to a job transition is the ability to market your abilities and expertise to potential clients and employers. Without the help of CMI consulting I would have never been able to do this on my own. Your expertise in marketing ones talents, skills, and potential value to an organization is by far the best I have ever seen.

I have enjoyed our conversations and the time you spent to get to know me personally and better understand not only my professional goals, but how they tie into my personal goals as well. Your follow up and encouragement insisted that I not lose sight of my goals and objectives. I truly felt that you have a personal interest in my successful transition and not just another client.

It’s very easy to get tunnel vision during the process and make anxious or poor decisions. The way in which you ask questions and lead discussions so that I made sound decisions were supportive, inviting, and very much appreciated. We both know that I’m not finished with my journey but am much more confident knowing that I have the resources of you and your team at CMI Consulting. Thanks again for your on-going support and your personal interest in my success.

Danny C., Plant Manager


Hey Beverly,

Just want to let you know that I have accepted the position with my former employer. I interviewed Tuesday of last week and just got the offer this morning. I am on "cloud nine".

A big thank you to you, Brian and Sarah. You all have really made this work force reduction transition so much easier than if I had been out on my own trying to figure out which direction I should be going.

Thanks for your alls support, tips and encouragement! You all kept me afloat when things sometimes looked quite grim.

Thanks again for all of your assistance.

Tammy G.


Dear Beverly,

I wish I could fully express my thanks to you, Brian and Sarah for helping me so much. I hate to think about where I would be without all of you and your wonderful company! You all have truly made a difference in my life. I know that it's your business to help out placed people, but you all go above and beyond simply helping people find jobs; you help us to stay motivated and to remember that we still have worth and value. It's so hard at times to remember that our layoff was not personal and to not let ourselves lose our self-esteem, but you all help so much.

I'm extremely thankful that my former employer retained your company to help us; I hope that they will always use your company for future, God forbid, layoffs. I have met with and had lunches with many people I previously worked with and have been extolling the virtues to all of them in case this happens to them or anyone else at the company. They have all been amazed at how much better I look and how much I'm returning to the person they knew before I let my stress & anxiety at work turn me into a withdrawn, reclusive shell of myself. This is miraculous and so inspiring!

Thank you so much again for all your extraordinary help!

My Heartfelt Thanks & Prayers,
Tamera P., Lexington, Kentucky


"After receiving four years of training and a degree in engineering, most people would think that getting a job is no problem, and I was definitely one of those people. After working with CMI Consulting's Career Transition Team, I've realized that I had no idea what it took to get a job, especially one that I really wanted!"

"Like most people, I just thought that CMI Consulting was just another company offering to do what I could do myself for free. How wrong I was! After getting to know me, including my strengths and weaknesses, Beverly Clemons showed me how to use those to my advantage. Her services included creating a resume that sold me better than I ever could myself, helping understand the real meaning of Networking and how to start, build, and keep a professional network of contacts, and how to master the interview process. This last step involved more than just learning to anticipate questions that might be asked of me. Beverly showed me that I too could ask questions during the interview and showed me what questions were appropriate for the interview."

"CMI Consulting allowed me understand what kind of job I was really in search of and how to get it! Which is exactly what I did. I can confidently say that if it wasn't for their assistance, I never would have possessed the confidence or the tools to get the job I wanted! As if that is not enough, now I have the network I need to progress and further my career. My experience with CMI Consulting has definitely been the best thing to happen in my professional life so far!"

Reta Renee White, E.I.T., Water Resources Engineer, Morley and Associates Inc.


“I first met Beverly Clemons after I had been downsized from a company and I was sent to her by that company for her to help me in my search for a new position. She was thorough in her approach, listened closely to my concerns, and was the consummate professional in her handling of my career objectives. Through her expertise, and with her assistance, I landed a position in which I am the happiest that I have ever been in my lengthy career.” 

“Though she was a professional in every sense of the word, we were able to talk and laugh about other aspects of life and I feel that we drew closer on a personal, as well as the professional, level. Due to this, I have turned to Beverly in selecting two of the top managers at my new company.” 

“When selecting Beverly’s company to assist you in your needs, you are able to put the process completely out of mind and rely on her to come up with the right solutions. If it is an employee, she so thorough and complete that when she recommends someone to you, you can be confident that all you have to do is interview. She has done the rest. She gathers all the data necessary for you to be fully confident that any prospective person she recommends is worthy of hiring.”  

“Thorough, complete, personable, and strictly professional is the only way to describe her. My professional and personal life is better for having known and worked with Beverly Clemons.”

- Gary Ginter, Plant Manager, Bowling Green, Kentucky


“It is my pleasure to tell you how I feel about Beverly Clemons and the positive impact she has had on Commerce Lexington. I have had the pleasure of working with Beverly for the past seven years in her capacity as a volunteer for Commerce Lexington (awarded our Volunteer of the Year Award in 2001). Beverly has been very active in our organization. She’s been a champion for our small business members. She was one of the originators of our Business Owner Advisory Board program, COSE committee, and past chair of our Ambassadors Committee and Education Committee.”

“She’s not only willing to volunteer her time, but she’s also someone we can count on for honest, sound guidance. This has been one of her most valuable contributions to our organization and our programs are better because of her participation. Thank you for the opportunity to share my compliments and endorsement of Beverly.

- Lynda A. Bebrowsky, Sr. VP, Marketing & Member Services, Commerce Lexington


“Beverly Clemons, owner of CMI Consulting, has been a wonderful asset to Henkel Denmark Inc. We have used her services on several occasions and her company has always served our needs. Beverly is a woman of high integrity and professionalism. She is knowledgeable in all areas of human resources and employee placement. CMI Consulting has done a thorough job in every aspect of all the business dealings we have had with the firm. She is a remarkable business model for all women.”

- Vickie Jones, Office Manager, Henkel-Denmark


“When I grow up I want to become Beverly Clemons.” This is a quote of mine that best describes Beverly. She has given me the confidence and respect that has made me who I am today by cheering me on both professionally and personally. I will never forget the first time I met her at an event, I thought, “Wow she’s such a neat lady”, Beverly Clemons is as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside and am proud to call her my mentor. With her sunny disposition, any bad rainy day makes you feel like you’re on top of the world in her presence. Beverly has taught me to make a passion of my career. Do what you enjoy and what you believe in and you will succeed. Beverly has also demonstrated that life is more than having and getting but about being and becoming as she contributes countless hours to community with various involvements such as the National Association of Women Business Owners, Commerce Lexington, Society for Human Resource Managers, Lexington FORUM, Professional Womens Forum, and many other organizations that better the economic growth of our community."

- Patricia Fenley, Sales Director, Hampton Inn I-75, Lexington, KY 40505, 859-299-2613


153 Prosperous Place, Suite 1A
Lexington, KY 40509
(859) 296-2800 phone
(859) 296-2801 fax
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